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  • Writer's pictureD'Nasia Adams

Why Self Love is Important

Self-love. The textbook definition of the word is, regard for one's own well-being and happiness. A simple definition to say the least. The textbook definition makes it sound like it’s something easy to obtain, something that doesn’t require much effort but, as we all know, that’s not the case. In order to achieve the highest form of self-love, first you need to personalize it. What does well-being and happiness mean to you? What are the best examples of those words to you? Well-Being means, the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. What makes you comfortable? Is it finances, being loved by someone, working on your passion? What do you consider health? Is it health of the mind, body, soul? What makes you happy? These are all questions that we should ask ourselves when we go on this journey of self-love. No matter what your answers are though, it should be for the benefit and growth of YOURSELF. And it takes time. The most amazing thing about the journey is that you are never the same in the end.

When I went on my own personal journey, I asked myself all of these questions. I wrote out what I wanted, I created vision boards. In the end, my mindset and the things I strived for pertaining to myself were so different than what I wanted in the beginning. To me that is a sign of healthy growth. When the things you felt were important to you when you were hurt, damaged, not yourself, no longer intrigue you. So how can you know if you’re ready? I don’t think you ever will know. I believe the want to be better has to succeed anything else before you decide that you want to fix yourself. It seems scary, but you don’t always have to start off with the tough stuff first.

Self-care can start with something as simple as taking care of your physical body first. Working out, eating healthy, creating skin and hair care regiments, and treating yourself to weekly outings that you enjoy alone. Pick up an old hobby, start working on things you procrastinated on. Put YOURSELF first. You will realize, during all of this, things you didn’t want to accept. You’ll start looking at the relationships in your life differently, your interactions differently, and you’ll become more conscious of the things in your life that are or were detrimental to your personal growth. Finally, be open-minded, be unafraid of the change that’s going to come. Self-Love, in my opinion, is the best form of love you can ever have. Nobody will love you like you love yourself.

“If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.”

― Charles Bukowski

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1 Comment

Jun 30, 2020

Beautifully written and so relevant with everything that’s going on in the world!! Thanks for the encouragement and reminder to love yourself. In the words of Rupaul Charles “ If you don’t love yourself, how can you love someone else’.

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